Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thoughts on the Kindle and others....

So folks, despite how much I love to talk and how much I love to read, it proved somewhat daunting to write a blog. "What would you all think?" "How could anybody really care about what I have to say?" "Now everyone will know that I occassionally read a trashy romance novel!" And other similiarly insecure ramblings....but I have risen above all that and I am back in action!

The Kindle, the Nook, and other various e-readers.....they are changing, literally, the face of books, reading and the publishing industry.
I have to admit that for awhile the mere thought of these quite incensed me. How could anyone prefer a computer screen over that heavy, exhilerating feeling of a new book in your hand? The crinkle of pages as you turn them? The smell of a bookstore? The positively giddy feeling (similiar to an alcoholic in a bar) I get when I enter a book store or library cause I know there are soo many books yet to be read?
My favorite books are some of my most prized possessions. I just don't think I can get the same feeling ordering a e-book online and downloading it to my Kindle. No more full, beautiful(ok, messy) bookcases, no more piles of books by the bed, no more 10 books in the backpack and suitcase for the vacation, no more $60 spent at the bookstore on 4 books......
That's when it hit me, while I may be loosing some of the 'hands on' delight of book reading, my suitcases, back, pocket book and family, who have moved literally a dozen boxes of my books, my cleaning lady, who always has to restack said pile of books, will all thank me if I had an e-reader. I could buy several books for the price of one 'real' book. And then I spotted the super cute cases for the Nook at Barnes and Noble. Maybe I might have to have one of these after all?
Those of you who own any sort of e-reader I would love to hear your input.

Books read recently (that I can remember...damn motherhood induced brain death)
"The Wives of Henry Oade"- Fascinating, semi biographical, account of a main accused of polygamy after his missing, and presumed dead, first wife reappears.
"Skeletons at the Feast"- Haunting and intense look at the end of WW 2 through the eyes of refugee Prussian aristocrats.
"O Pioneers"- Willa Cather classic. Quick yet interesting bit of pioneer life.
All the "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" books- quick, funny, exciting and a great way to buid a love of Greek mythology in your young ones.
"One Day"- A bit of fluff with a bit of depth about love and friendship and the way life can throw us curveballs.
"The Jane Austen Book Club"- This is quite unusal but I liked the movie more. But always love anything about Jane Austen.
"The Tall Pine Polka"- Classic Lorna Landvik, like a slice of warm apple pie with your crazy southern aunt.

On a related note, I saw "Eat, Pray, Love" and thought it was FANTASTIC! That being said, I couldn't even finish the book when I read it because I thought Liz was so winy, self absorbed and annoying. I think I will re-read it now.